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Hypnobirthing FAQs

HypnoBirthing is self-hypnosis, relaxation and breathing techniques to be used for pain relief during labour and childbirth.

HypnoBirthing is suitable for first time mums and mums who’ve had kids before.

HypnoBirthing helps women who are scared of birth because they’ve never done it before, who are anxious because of a bad experience last time, or who just want a calmer, easier, more natural birth experience.

If you’re pregnant, and looking for an alternative to the over-medicalised, pain-is-inevitable mindset, then HypnoBirthing is for you.

Whilst in hypnosis, you are very focused, in full control and entirely aware of the whole process, just as you should be. You are not asleep and will not miss out on the birth of your baby. Hypnosis causes a deeper connection, and direct communication between your body and mind. You are in harmony with and completely in control of your body. Through hypnosis, your mind and body are completely in control, very relaxed and open. Women using hypnosis during childbirth frequently speak of a deep connection with their baby a wonderful communication between body and mind leading to a shorter, easier birth.

No, absolutely not. With HypnoBirthing (in fact, virtually all hypnosis), you are aware of what is going on around you but you can just ‘tune out’ the distractions.

No. There are many factors that can affect a birth, some of which are outside our control.

Also, like any childbirth preparation class, the success of the techniques is related to the amount of practice you put in.

Classes are held in the South East London and Surrey areas. Classes are usually scheduled on a monthly basis over two weekends you receive a total of 10 hrs of instruction.

The course is run in groups (and many of our couples prefer the support and friends they make in a group), but it can also be run as a private course, depending on each couple’s availability.

No. There are no authorised HypnoBirthing home-study courses.

Although hypnobirthing books and CD’s are available they are designed to be used as part of a practitioner-led course. HypnoBirthing is only taught through a series of classes.

Somewhere between 25-30 weeks is ideal, as the success of the course is strongly linked to how much practice you do. However, provided you can finish the course before you give birth, it’s still going to help.

Yes – birthing companions are a very important part of HypnoBirthing success.

However, if your partner/husband cannot attend all the classes and/or help you practice or attend the birth, your mother, sister or friend can also be your birthing companion.

Whoever you choose (strongly recommend it’s the father if at all possible, as it helps build a strong relationship with the child), they must attend all the classes and the birth.

The fee will be repaid promptly and in full if your baby arrives before the course or in the very unlikely event of the course being cancelled. These are the only circumstances under which a refund will be made.

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Hypnobirthing: A transformative journey of joy and empowerment!

kg hypnobirthing courseEmbark on an extraordinary adventure with our Hypnobirthing course or workshop, tailored for couples seeking a harmonious and empowering birthing experience.

Discover the art of relaxation, inner strength, and the incredible connection between mind, body, and baby.

Embrace the power of positive birthing and uncover a world where fear is replaced with confidence and anticipation transforms into excitement. Immerse yourselves in evidence-based techniques, where breath becomes a guide, and the mind becomes an ally.

Hypnobirthing empowers you to create your desired birthing experience with a sense of control and serenity.

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